Stars, Constellations, and How to Navigate Them

Stars, Constellations, and How to Navigate Them

Stars, Constellations, and How to Navigate Them

Gouache, Noodler's Ghost Ink, Digital Text

Fall 2018

This series contains two spreads of a children concept illustration book. They are inspired by a summer travel intensive program I participated summer of 2018 in which a class of two instructors and eight students take on the adventure of exploring the American Natural History and Identity along the Appalachian Trail.

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Stars, Constellations, and How to Navigate Them

Stars, Constellations, and How to Navigate Them


The week that we stayed in the cabin area of Shenandoah National Park in Virginia, I would walk back to the student cabin from our late dinner and class seminar in the instructor cabin every night after a long hiking day. I will never be able to forget the friends at my side, looking up at the night sky and being able to see clearly how beautiful the constellations are. I will never stop marvel at the spectacular natural world around me.

Thus, I wanted to focus these two piece on the sense of curiosity and adventure this beautiful experience has given me; in turn, I want to inspire every child to stay curious with the world and also be enraptured and enchanted by it.


Concept Book Hidden Gems - In the Light

The secret of "Stars, Constellations, and How to Navigate Them"

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Concept Book Hidden Gems - In the Dark

The secret of "Stars, Constellations, and How to Navigate Them"

Source –